[Statement] KAISA KA stands up for Freedom of Expression and of the Press and the Rule of Law and Justice as significant pillars of Freedom and Democracy

KAISA KA stands up for Freedom of Expression and of the Press and the Rule of Law and Justice as significant pillars of Freedom and Democracy.

KAISA KA stands up for Ressa, a woman, a journalist, a staunch critic of DU30 administration.

KAISA KA condemns the conviction of Ressa for alleged commission of cyberlaw when the alleged “acts” took place long before the passage of the law for cyber law. The conviction is meant to clip and silence those who fight against the tyrannical, authoritarian, and misogynist administration.

Rule of law is fundamental fairness that binds freedom and democracy. The judicious application of the real essence of the rule of law is imperative considering this impacts our cherished freedoms of expression and of the press and to our treasured rights to information, due process, accountability of public officials, and a transparent, empowering government.

This administration has already owned the executive branch; coopted the legislative. And now the judiciary… a mockery of justice

Freedom of the press and speech stand for freedom of the people. It is the people’s stoutest weapon.

Our constitution and all organic laws of all free states provide that “no law shall be passed, abridging the freedom of the press and that no person shall be punished except for an abuse of that freedom.

KAISA KA believes that it is in the best interest of a civilized society to have a full and free discussion of government affairs and have the free liberty to comment upon the administration of government and guard against repressive measures. We cannot and should not speak in a whisper or with bated breath.

KAISA KA believes that it is our duty to bring to the bar of public opinion the conduct of government officials whose exercise of authority is conferred by the people. It is not only our right. It is our duty.

KAISA KA is one with every woman, every citizen, activist, human rights defender, every freedom-loving people in protest of this attack to our freedom and democracy.
Together, we will not be silenced and cowed.

We say NO to all forms of violence and tyranny.
Break the culture of silence, violence and impunity.

Atty. Virginia Lacsa Suarez

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