[Statement] Ending Violence Against Health Workers: An Urgent Call to Action | MAG

#HumanRights #Health

Title: “Ending Violence Against Health Workers: An Urgent Call to Action”

The Medical Action Group (MAG), a healthcare and human rights organization, expresses deep concern regarding the continuous attacks on healthcare workers. MAG firmly believes that any form of violence against healthcare workers or healthcare facilities constitutes both a criminal offense and a severe violation of human rights. It is crucial for the Philippine government to prioritize the safety of healthcare professionals operating in conflict-affected areas.

The recent assault on Dr. Charmaine Ceballos Barroquillo serves as a stark reminder of the harsh realities faced by healthcare professionals. Dr. Barroquillo, a dedicated government physician, was ambushed while driving her car in a remote area of Buluan, Maguindanao del Sur, on the evening of February 3. Despite surviving the attack, she sustained severe injuries requiring critical medical attention at the hospital.

Unfortunately, this incident is not an isolated one. Healthcare workers in remote regions often encounter perilous situations while fulfilling their duties. Despite their commitment to saving lives, they are exposed to significant risks. Attacks on these brave healthcare workers not only impact their families but also deprive communities of essential healthcare services, particularly in areas where such services are already limited. It is the duty of the government to ensure the safety and security of these frontline healthcare workers. This recent act of violence underscores the dangers faced by healthcare workers, especially those serving in remote and conflict-affected regions. Their dedication to enhancing the health and well-being of the people must be acknowledged and protected.

We commend all healthcare workers who courageously risk their lives to save others. Safeguarding the safety of all healthcare workers is essential for upholding the right to health of every Filipino. It necessitates collective action.

MAG urges the government to take prompt and decisive measures to apprehend those responsible for the attack on Dr. Barroquillo. Failing to do so may not only perpetuate a climate of fear among healthcare workers serving in conflict-affected areas but also dissuade others from serving the nation. With the Philippine Congress contemplating amendments to the Magna Carta of Health Workers to enhance their benefits and privileges, ensuring their safety should be of paramount concern.
Putting an end to senseless violence against our healthcare heroes is imperative. Prioritizing the protection of our health workers is an urgent necessity.

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